
Extra safe mounting for your mobile devices. The Railblaza Mobile Device Holder, or “Mobi” for short, is ready to look after your phone, GPS, VHF, EPIRB or other mobile device.


The unique design brings a new level of versatility to the device holder market, once you have your Mobi you can attach it to any vessel or vehicle on water or land – basically any place you can install a Railblaza StarPort, RIBPort or RailMount.

The spring loaded arms are sufficient for most applications, with neoprene rubber pads to give high gripping power. For extra peace of mind the adjustable, UV stabilised, Eurethane rubber retaining strap ensures your device goes nowhere, even in the most rugged environment.

The Adjustable Mobi tilts and can be mounted any way you like, even overhead.

Packed on a recyclable card, the Mobi also has less impact on our environment.
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